IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ: Update on Dr. Pesthy and adjustments to our pre-health advising program

Dear Texas State Pre-Health Community,

I wanted to let you all know that Dr. Pesthy will be on medical leave for the remainder of the spring semester. As such, she will not be able to do any work for Texas State to include tasks and duties associated with teaching and advising.

HIPAA prevents me from providing further details, but I have spoken with Dr. Pesthy, and she is well. I am quite sure she would welcome your prayers and positive vibes and thoughts. We ask that you respect her privacy and not bombard Dr. Pesthy with emails sent to her university email account.

Clearly, for many of you, this may raise some questions and concerns. Let me attempt to address them here.

  1. For any student who had booked an advising appointment with Dr. Pesthy for this week, next week, or beyond, those appointments have been cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Dr. Pesthy’s advisees may not schedule an appointment with me, but I am willing to respond to emails with clear, specific requests for information if that would be helpful to you.
  2. For any student who is assigned to Dr. Pesthy for pre-health advising, please note. This semester, and this semester only, you may need to rely more heavily on your academic advisors for course planning, our pre-health advising website for general information, and your professors, advisors, peers and colleagues for support.
  3. For those of you who are planning to apply to medical or dental school this cycle and were planning to get a committee letter from Dr. Pesthy, DO NOT WORRY. We are already putting contingency plans in place and you will all be able to participate fully in the committee letter process and we will ensure that high quality committee letters are written and submitted for you.
  4. For those of you who are planning to apply to medical or dental school this year and had signed up for one of the application workshops that Dr. Pesthy was going to oversee, those workshops will go on as planned, in-person, but I will be presenting them. You could choose any workshop you wanted, it did not matter who was running it, so this should not be an issue.
  5. Freshmen who are assigned to either me or Dr. Pesthy for advising, and believe they are eligible to apply for admission to the Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) this year, you need to email me soon.

The spring CARS (Critical Analysis and Reading Skills) workshop and the Personal Statement writing workshop will go on as planned this semester. Be on the lookout for more information about those workshops in the next few weeks.

Remember also that the annual Health Professions Programs Fair is coming up on Wednesday, February 24. I will send out a reminder about this event soon as it will go on as planned.

Finally, it is, as always, my privilege and honor to work with the wonderful pre-health students that we have on this campus, and I am committed to doing all I can for you. However, I must ask for your grace and patience going forward. I may not respond to emails or phone calls as quickly as I normally do, and I may even let an email slip through the cracks now and again. Gentle, kind reminders are appreciated if that appears to be the case.

I will continue to update you with relevant information as it becomes available.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.


Dr. Banta


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


interesting news about Baylor College of Medicine

Dear Pre-med students,

This morning we received word that Baylor College of Medicine will now be part of TMDSAS, not AMCAS. This change represents the first private school to be invited to participate in TMDSAS, and it means that you now have a choice of 13 medical schools to choose from when applying through TMDSAS. This change becomes effective immediately, which is relevant for those of you planning to apply this year for entry year 2022.

Here is a link to the press release they sent us.


Dr. Banta

I’m honored to share that Baylor College of Medicine has joined TMDSAS as the 19th member institution! Please refer to the attached Press Release, or visit


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


ANNOUNCING: The 8th Annual Health Professions Program Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 24 from 3:00-5:30 pm

Texas State University Health Professions Programs Fair

Virtual this year using Handshake platform

Wednesday, February 24 from 3:00-5:30 pm

Hello to ALL pre-health students,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our 8th annual Health Professions Programs Fair will be held virtually this year.

We know that speaking to people virtually is not the same as walking up to their table and speaking to them in person, but it is heck of a lot better than not speaking to them at all. So make plans to attend this annual event. You can arrive at any time you want between 3:00 and 5:30 pm. You can stay as much or as little time as you want. You can visit as many or few “exhibitors” as you would like. The power is yours. But do not squander this opportunity to learn, ask questions, and make contacts with schools you may be applying to sooner or later.

Using the platform Handshake, you will have the opportunity to speak live with a wide variety of people.

Attending the fair will be ADMISSIONS OFFICERS from every conceivable type of health profession that you can imagine, representatives from the US MILITARY and other GRANT/SCHOLARSHIP granting offices, TEST PREP companies, international programs, and more!!!!

Explore medical, dental, optometry, vet, PA, PT, nursing, pharmacy, OT, anesthesiology assistant, orthotics and prosthetics, naturopathic, podiatric, chiropractic and other types of healthcare-related programs!

Use this link to register: Health Professions Programs Career Fair

While it is fairly intuitive to use, If you have never used Handshake before and would like to attend a practice/training session, the Career Services office is holding a practice/training session tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 2 between 4-6 pm. Here is the information they provided about this event:

Join TXST Career Services for a Virtual Practice Career Fair!

Are you planning to attend a virtual career fair this Spring? Then we encourage you to attend our Virtual Practice Career Fair! This career fair will give you an opportunity to see the virtual experience first-hand and connect with your Career Services office for advice and best tips on navigating the virtual career fair. It never hurts to test your technology either!

Practice Virtual Career Fair for Students


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


IMPORTANT: Request for information from anyone planning to apply to medical or dental school in 2021 who wants a committee letter

Dear Pre-Med and Pre-Dent students,

The members of the Texas State Pre-Health Committee are happy to announce the launch of the 2021 committee letter process. This is an exciting time for our hardworking students and alumni who are ready to begin the application process for this year, especially in light of the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to you all.

To make sure we schedule enough interview slots for everyone who needs one, we need a preliminary headcount of the medical and dental school applicants who will be participating in the Pre-Health Committee process during Spring 2021 in conjunction with the 2021 application cycle (for entry year 2022).

For those of you who may not be familiar with the Pre-Health Committee (PHC), the PHC is a university-wide committee made up of Texas State faculty and staff who are dedicated to helping students apply to medical and dental schools. Ultimately, the PHC will produce a Committee Packet that you will use as part of your application. The Committee Packet consists of our Committee Letter and up to five individual letters of recommendation that you would like to have submitted on your behalf. The Committee Letter itself is a composite letter generated by the members of the PHC based on detailed information you provide to us, your personal statement, your transcript(s), and a personal interview. Medical and dental schools prefer committee letters over all other types of letters of recommendation, and all medical/dental schools in the state of Texas know that Texas State has a PHC, so we highly recommend taking advantage of this free service we provide to our students. JAMP and DEAP students applying this cycle are expected to participate. Alumni are welcome to participate if they would like to do so.

Most other types of professional schools either do not require or do not want a committee letter, so this service is limited to just medical and dental school applicants. Please see Drs. Pesthy or Banta for advice about letters if you are applying to PA, optometry, or another type of professional school this year.

Important next step:

We are pleased to offer an application workshop as a part of the PHC process. This mandatory workshop is designed to answer all your questions about the application process, the committee letter process, the application timeline, standardized exams, the costs associated with applying, and more. The workshop will be chock full of important information. This year we will also address how COVID-19 may impact your application and the application process. As the workshop will be conducted both live in person and virtually using Zoom, everyone should be able to attend no matter where they are physically right now.

Therefore, IF you are planning to apply to medical or dental school during the 2021 application cycle, AND you have at least a 3.0 overall GPA, AND at least a 3.0 science GPA, AND you are planning to use the PHC to produce a committee packet for you, then please click on the link below and complete and submit this simple form. The workshop days, times, mode of presentation, and locations are included in the form, but they are listed at the end of this email so you can check your calendar and choose one before beginning to fill out the form. You can attend which ever workshop is most convenient for you. If your overall and/or science GPA is below 3.0, contact your pre-health advisor about a possible appeal.

Since we recently moved our Pre-Health Advising site onto Canvas, we may not reach all our 2021 applicants with this email. If you have friends or colleagues that you know are planning to apply this year, check with them to see if they received this email. If they did not, please feel free to forward it to them. We appreciate your help in spreading the word.

Pre-Health Committee Intent Form

DEADLINE: Responses received after 5 pm on Friday, February 19 may not be granted an interview.

Contact Dr. Pesthy or Dr. Banta if you have questions.


Drs. Pesthy and Banta

Your Pre-Health Advisors

Mandatory Application Workshops (you can choose any workshop that you would like)

Sunday, February 21 6:00-8:00 pm (Banta presenting – virtual via Zoom)

Monday, February 22 5:00-7:00 pm (Banta presenting – virtual via Zoom)

Thursday, February 25 4:00-6:00 pm (Pesthy presenting – in person in Supple 112 – masks required)

Friday, February 26 2:30-4:30 pm (Pesthy presenting – in person in Supple 112 – masks required)

TTUHSC School of Health Professions Virtual Open Houses


Please see this interesting slate of upcoming virtual open houses being offered by the Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Health Professions.


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


From: Health Professions <>
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 10:22 AM
To: Banta, Marilyn R <>
Subject: TTUHSC School of Health Professions Virtual Open Houses

TTUHSC Health Professions Logo
Virtual Open House Schedule of Events
Although we cannot come together on campus to offer you a tour of our state of the art facilities, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Health Professions wants to virtually welcome you to campus.

The School of Health Professions will be hosting virtual open houses for our 21 programs throughout the Spring 2021 semester! We want to invite you to join us for program open houses that will offer opportunities to hear from program faculty, current students and virtual tours of our campus and labs.

Below you find the dates and time for each of our program open house events along with the link to register for each. Do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions.

Click A Date Below to Register
PhD Rehabilitation Science | 01/08/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register
Speech-Language Pathology | 01/15/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register
Audiology | 01/22/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register

Molecular Pathology | 01/26/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register

Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | 02/04/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register

Athletic Training | 02/12/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register

Healthcare Administration | 02/25/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register

Healthcare Management | 03/10/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register
Clinical Laboratory Science | 03/11/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register

Physician Assistant Studies | 03/26/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register

Occupational Therapy | 04/02/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register

Physical Therapy | 04/09/2021 | 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Register

Addiction Counseling | 04/13/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register

Clinical Mental Health Counseling | 04/22/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register

Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling | 04/29/2021 | 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Register

health.professions | 806-743-3220
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2021 Summer Programs at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Dear Colleagues,

The Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine will again host the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. The SURF program provides a wide variety of summer research opportunities for undergraduate students interested in careers in medicine or biomedical research. Participants in this program work on various research topics under the guidance of an HCOM Biomedical Science or Social Medicine faculty member. The goal is to expose students to the challenges, excitement and satisfaction of research. Given the COVID pandemic, SURF will be conducted in a safe, yet impactful, virtual format.

The SURF program is 7 weeks in length and includes a living allowance, and the potential for a guaranteed interview for the entering class at the medical school. Detailed information, eligibility requirements, and application materials can be obtained by going to the SURF web site at The deadline for application is February 1, 2021.

The Ohio University HeritageCollege of Osteopathic Medicine will again host the Summer Scholars Program. The Summer Scholars program is a tremendous academic experience for underrepresented, or educationally or economically disadvantaged students to grow personally and be challenged professionally. The program replicates what will be experienced in the first year of medical school at OU-HCOM. Courses, taught by OU-HCOM faculty, and current medical students, include subject matter in gross anatomy, histology, immunology, biochemistry, integrated biomedical sciences, an introduction to the flipped classroom pedagogy and the HCOM curriculum. In addition, there will be workshops dealing with the admission process, learning strategies, time management and many other experiences relevant to the medical school experience. Given the COVID pandemic, Summer Scholars will be conducted in a safe, impactful, virtual format. We had great success with this format last year and look forward to the 2021 program.

The Summer Scholars Program is five weeks in length and includes a living allowance, and the potential for a guaranteed interview for the entering class at the medical school. Detailed information, eligibility requirements, and application materials can be obtained by going to the Summer Scholars web site at

The deadline for application is February 1, 2021

Please encourage your students to take advantage of these tremendous opportunities. If you have any questions about the programs, please do not hesitate to contact the OU-HCOM Office of Admissions at 800-345-1560.

Kind regards,


John D. Schriner, Ph.D.

Associate Dean, Admissions and Student Affairs

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Medicine

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Office of Admissions

102 Grosvenor Hall

1 Ohio University

Athens, Ohio 45701


0d14fc8a17a7484782eef933013e0dba.pngCARE LEADS HERE


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


UIWSOM: January and February Recruitment Events

Here are some helpful webinars from our osteopathic medical school down the road in San Antonio.


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


From: Hernandez, Gilberto <>
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 10:39 AM
To: Hernandez, Gilberto <>
Subject: UIWSOM: January and February Recruitment Events


The UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine (UIWSOM) invites all students interested in pursuing a career in medicine to attend the following online information sessions. Attendees will learn about the DO profession, the application process and our learner-centered, cased-based curriculum.

Participants may click on their preferred date/time to submit an RSVP.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 4 p.m. (CST)
Topic: Q/A with Admissions and Current UIWSOM Student

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 12:30 p.m. (CST)
Topic: Q/A with Admissions and Current UIWSOM Student

Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 3 p.m. (CST)
Topic: Underrepresented in Medicine Applicants

Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 4 p.m. (CST)
Topic: Q/A with Admissions and Current UIWSOM Student Ambassadors

Thank you!

Gilbert Hernández, M.A.
Recruitment Coordinator
University of the Incarnate Word
School of Osteopathic Medicine
7615 Kennedy Hill Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78235
Office: 210.283.6995


The University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical and Research Undergraduate Summer Programs

Happy New Year everyone,

Please see information below about a variety of summer programs being offered at UAB School of Medicine.


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


From: NAAHP, Inc. <>
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 10:01 AM
To: Banta, Marilyn R <>
Subject: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical and Research Undergraduate Summer Programs

This email is a paid announcement being sent as a service to

The University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Please direct your inquiries to them.

Clinical and Research Undergraduate Summer Programs
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Medicine (SOM) specializes in clinical and research undergraduate summer programs that provide an enhanced scientific and professional preparation for students aspiring toward a career in medicine or biomedical sciences. The listed programs provide discipline-specific training and opportunities for smaller-scale connections within the overall community.
· UAB Preparation for Graduate and Medical Education (PARAdiGM)

· An NIH/NHLBI R25 funded 8-week program to introduce outstanding undergraduates from diverse and underrepresented minority backgrounds to the exciting career options of being both a scientific investigator and a practicing physician. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Application deadline is February 12, 2021.

· UAB Summer in Biomedical Sciences (SIBS) Undergraduate Research Program

· An 8-week program where undergraduate students are instructed in the techniques of modern biology while becoming integrated members of a vibrant clinical and scientific community. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Application deadline is February 12, 2021.

· UAB Summer Program in Neurobiology (SPIN)

· An 8-week program providing students with excellent scientific aptitude the opportunity to experience independent research in the neurosciences under the guidance of a UAB faculty member. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Application deadline is February 12, 2021.

· UAB Kidney Undergraduate Research Program (KURE)

· An NIH/NIDDK R25, the KURE (Kidney Undergraduate Research Experience) program gives you the opportunity to learn about advances in kidney research and be mentored as you work on your own research project in a lab within UAB’s kidney community of investigators. This 8-week program allows you the unique opportunity to gain experience in the field of biomedical research. Application deadline is February 12, 2021.

· UAB HudsonAlpha Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Genomic Medicine (SURE-GM): Alabama Residents Only

· SURE-GM (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Genomic Medicine) is UAB’s NIH/NHGRI R25 funded summer program for outstanding undergraduates from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the state of Alabama who want to explore the potential of a future career as scientific investigators in the field of genomics. This 2-year summer program is a partnership with HudsonAlpha and UAB, where students will spend their first summer at HudsonAlpha and then the second year conducting research at UAB. Application deadline is February 12, 2021.

· UAB Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP), a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Funded Program (VIRTUAL FOR 2021)

· The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It is a free 6-week summer enrichment residential programs for first and second year college students, developed from a partnership between the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Optometry, and School of Health Professions, home to the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy programs. Application can be accessed through

· UAB Surgery Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

· The Surgery Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) offered by the Department of Surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) provides promising undergraduate students who are interested in a medical career with research experience and knowledge that 1) increases their competitiveness for admission to medical school and 2) encourages them to consider careers in academic medicine, particularly the field of surgery. The program builds on a solid foundation of undergraduate research that already exists at UAB. Application can be accessed through

· UAB Short Term Research Experience for Under-Represented Persons (STEP-UP)

· STEP-UP program is a biomedical research experience for undergraduate students. This program is coordinated at UAB and two other coordinating centers. Students are linked with experienced research mentors at the institution they choose for the summer experience, which may be their home institution or one near their hometown. It is open to students across the country who are interested in exploring research careers. Application can be accessed through

COVID-19: We continue to monitor changes in CDC and state COVID-19 guidelines related to travel, student housing, and COVID-19 testing/vaccinations. Updates will be provided on our website and through email correspondences to applicants.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions.

Randy L Seay

Randy L Seay, MA, MPA, MPH | Associate Director

Physician Scientist Development Office

UAB | The University of Alabama at Birmingham

SHEL 121 | 1825 University Blvd | Birmingham, AL 35294-2182

P: 205.934.4092 | F: 205.975.8427 | rseay

NAAHP, Inc. | 2003 Round Barn Rd, Suite A, Champaign, IL 61821-6828
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APPLICATION OPEN: UMICH Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity


See information below and attached about a summer research opportunity in cardiovascular research.


Marilyn R. Banta, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Advisor

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Dr.

San Marcos, TX 78666

(off) 512.245.3367

(fax) 512.245.8713


Click HERE to schedule your

pre-health advising appointment!


From: FCVC-SURF <>
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 7:40 AM
Cc: Griffey, Kayla <>
Subject: APPLICATION OPEN: UMICH Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity
Importance: High

Dear Colleague,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, future plans are still uncertain, however, I am sending this email with the hope that you will share our program information with talented undergraduate students at your institution. The University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center (FCVC) plans to offer a 10-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for the summer of 2021. The 2021 FCVC SURF program is expected to run between June and August, but exact program dates and format will be forthcoming.

Program Description

Each student will be matched, based on their interests, to a laboratory that is led by a FCVC faculty member. This collection of laboratories is involved in internationally recognized research in topics such as atherosclerosis, genetic cardiomyopathies, blood clotting disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular biology, and heart failure. The stipend will be $4,000 for ten weeks of full-time work, typically starting the Tuesday after Memorial Day and ending the first week of August (exact program dates pending). The program includes scientific seminars, social events, and a two-day research symposium where fellows present their research to their peers and FCVC faculty and staff.

The application link OPENS TODAY, December 14, 2020 and closes January 31, 2021. Visit our website for the application link:

I have attached our flyer to forward on to students you feel may be interested. For questions, please reach out to fcvc-surf.

Best wishes,

Daniel Michele, PhD
Director, FCVC Summer Fellowship Program


Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues

FCVC Surf 2021 Poster.pdf